
Subject Author Date
Decoding bug (and fix) for multipart/form-data ? Stephen R. van den Berg <srb[at]cuci[dot]nl> 01-03-2009
Does this patch make sense?
Seems like a rather old bug (and I've been bitten by it a lot for a long
time; always looked elsewhere for fixes).

commit 4a46e5f2cd6b8d3922d085c9e9e0a67918cde6ff
Author: Stephen R. van den Berg <<srb[at]>>
Date:   Sat Feb 28 20:57:00 2009 +0100

    Perform proper characterset decoding for multipart/form-data.

diff --git a/server/protocols/http.pike b/server/protocols/http.pike
index 7f99086..afb5254 100644
--- a/server/protocols/http.pike
+++ b/server/protocols/http.pike
@@ -999,21 +999,58 @@ private int parse_got( string new_data )
 	  /* FIXME: Should this be reported to the client? */
 	} else {
 	  mapping(string:array) post_vars = misc->post_variables = ([]);
+	  array(string) todecode = ({});
 	  foreach (messg->body_parts, object part) {
 	    string n = part->disp_params->name;
 	    string d = part->getdata();
 	    post_vars[n] += ();
-	    real_variables[n] += ();
 	    if (string fn = part->disp_params->filename) {
 	      post_vars[n + ".filename"] += ();
-	      real_variables[n + ".filename"] += ();
 	      misc->files += ();
 	    if (string ct = part->headers["content-type"]) {
 	      post_vars[n + ".mimetype"] += ();
-	      real_variables[n + ".mimetype"] += ();
+	    else
+	      todecode += ();
+	  do
+          { function(string:string) decoder;
+	    if(input_charset)
+	    { if(mixed err = catch
+	      { decoder = Roxen.get_decoder_for_client_charset(input_charset);
+		foreach(todecode, string n)
+		  post_vars[n] = map(post_vars[n], decoder);
+		break;
+	      })
+		report_debug ("Client %O requested path %O "
+			  "which failed to decode "
+			  "with the input charset %O: %s",
+			  client_var->fullname, raw_url, input_charset,
+			  describe_error (err));
+	    }
+	    catch
+	    { array(string) magic =
+	       real_variables->magic_roxen_automatic_charset_variable
+	       || post_vars->magic_roxen_automatic_charset_variable;
+	      input_charset = Roxen->get_client_charset(magic[0]);
+	      decoder = Roxen.get_decoder_for_client_charset(input_charset);
+	      foreach(todecode, string n)
+		post_vars[n] = map(post_vars[n], decoder);
+	      break;
+	    };
+	    catch
+	    { decoder = utf8_to_string;
+	      input_charset = "utf-8";		// Why not UTF8 ?
+	      foreach(post_vars; string n; array v)
+		post_vars[n] = map(v, decoder);
+	      break;
+	    };
+	    input_charset = 0;
+	  }
+	  while(0);
+	  foreach(post_vars; string n; array v)
+	    real_variables[n] += v;
           Stephen R. van den Berg.

Human beings were created by water to transport it uphill.