
Subject Author Date
extract locale Hunter <hunter[dot]ritchie[at]fidelissecurity> 12-02-2009
Hello.  I'm having some trouble getting string extract for I18n going.  

I have read the information at

I created a test.xml to drive the extraction (test.xml):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<project name="TEST">


And I have a piece of code on which to perform the extraction (TestLocale.panel):
// <locale-token project="TEST">LOCALE</locale-token>
#define LOCALE(X, Y) Locale.translate("TEST", "en", X, Y)

int main()
    werror(LOCALE(0, "Hello World!\n"));
    return 0;

I made sure the directory has been created:
[<hunter[at]linux04> concole]$ ll translations/
total 20
drwxrwxr-x  2 hunter hunter 4096 Feb 12 16:26 en

However, when I run the -x option, it doesn't find the localization...
[<hunter[at]linux04> concole]$ pike -x extract_locale --config=test.xml --verbose
Reading config for project "TEST" in test.xml

Reading TestLocale.panel, parsing... (0 localizations)

[<hunter[at]linux04> concole]$ pike --version
Pike v7.6 release 86 Copyright 1994-2006 Link ping University

I'm hoping I am missing something rudimentary here, and that someone would be so
kind as to point it out for me.  Or, if I'm posting in the wrong place, point me
to the right on.  Thanks!