
Subject Author Date
Re: Pike documentation Dave Walton <dw-pike[at]digger[dot]net> 10-12-2008
Johan Sundström (Achtung Liebe!) @ Pike (-) importmöte för mailinglistan
> As can the sole reason docs are not beyond current state:
>> Hmm...  I might be able to come up with some stuff for the PikeHints
>> page, time permitting.  (Always seem to have more projects than time.)
> (We all feel this way, and find something we are passionate about
> doing instead with our time.)

Yeah, like a few months ago when I promised my boss that I'd learn
Python this year, then started learning Pike instead.  :)

> Rants of well meant encouragement have failed to deliver change over
> the past decade -- having observed it, I'd suggest going about it more
> Bill's way if your goals are positive improvement, as that sets a more
> vigorous atmosphere than naming what Somebody really ought to do does. 
> When somebody feels that way and acts on it before being demoralized
> (common; mind states are precious), good things happen, though. And
> that work is much appreciated by everyone.

> Johan Sundström (Achtung Liebe!) @ Pike (-) importmöte för mailinglistan wrote:
>> Refresh my memory... what was my way? :)
> You go at it without implying that someone else oughtta do this,
> taking responsibility for doing what you feel ought to be done, and in
> the process giving others the best possible chances to join in, rather
> than feeding a todo list into the void with attached sentiments of
> "it's somewhat shameful you haven't already done this", which
> admittedly is very easy to happen to do unwittingly.

Well, I certainly apologize if it came out sounding that bad.
Frustration can interfere with clarity sometimes.  My intent was more
along the lines of "I'd really like to contribute what I'm learning so
others can benefit, but the barrier is too high for the time I have to
commit, and I'm sure there are others in the same boat.  So if Somebody
is able to lower the barrier, then I can get on with contributing."
More of a "help me help you" than a "Somebody needs to".

As Bill pointed out, the wiki has a lower barrier, though it's not
really in the right place to be helpful to people looking up module
usage.  I've got a couple ideas for articles there, but I'd want them to
be more fleshed out than quick tips and sample code in the module
reference would be.  So right now they are percolating in the back of my
head while I do other things.  Like learn Python.....
