
Subject Author Date
Re: Pike documentation Bill Welliver <hww3[at]riverweb[dot]com> 10-12-2008
As a further note: a luke-warm reception to an idea or suggestions does 
not necessarily mean that there is opposition to the idea, more likely it 
means that it's not sufficiently interesting for someone to drop what 
they're doing to work on it. That presents a great opportunity for one to 
get involved.

It's been my experience that while one [someone who wants something done] 
might not always have their "wish list item" done for them, the powers 
that be are often more than willing to guide a motiviated individual on 
their journey or give access to whatever is needed in order to get the 
job done.

That means that you don't need to be a core developer or speak Swedish to 
contribute. You don't even need to have a lot of Pike experience to 
participate. It may imply a little more commitment than filling out a form 
on a web page, but I suspect the contribution would be met with relatively 
more appreciation, too.

Anyhow, enough rambling for today...


> You go at it without implying that someone else oughtta do this,
> taking responsibility for doing what you feel ought to be done, and in
> the process giving others the best possible chances to join in, rather
> than feeding a todo list into the void with attached sentiments of
> "it's somewhat shameful you haven't already done this", which
> admittedly is very easy to happen to do unwittingly.