
Subject Author Date
rimage Bertrand LUPART <bertrand[dot]lupart[at]linkeo[dot]com> 12-08-2008

Can someone give me some pointers or sample code about using Roxen's
image manipulation tag (rimage)?
Can't find anything using Google.

I especially have hard time figuring how layers and channels works and
the argument they accept.

A sample example of writing a text over an image using a mask channel
and/or an alpha channel would be very valuable. 

The following code doesn't do what i expect.

White text on black, image visible behind the text. I guess the mask
channel should be configured for white behing a color and black behing

    <load channel="image" file="/images/logo.jpg">
    <write channel="mask" text="Foobar">

Image displayed, no text. I guess the alpha channel should be

    <load channel="image" file="/images/logo.jpg">
    <write channel="alpha" text="Foobar">

Thank you.

Bertrand LUPART