
Subject Author Date
unexplainable #include path error Martin Bähr <mbaehr[at]email[dot]archlab[dot]tuwien[dot]ac> 02-08-2009

i just built pike as debian packages for lenny, and did the same with
sTeam from the latest sTeam 2.9 cvs.

pike seemsto be fine, but starting sTeam fails with the following rather
mysterisous error:

read include file "/$/Protocols.pmod/LDAP.pmod/ldap_globals.h".
read include file "/$/Protocols.pmod/LDAP.pmod/ldap_globals.h".
/var/lib/steam/modules/ldap.pike:368:Index 'client' not present in module LDAP.
/var/lib/steam/modules/ldap.pike:368:Indexed module was: master()->joinnode(({
/* 1 element */
/var/lib/steam/modules/ldap.pike:368:Too many arguments to `() (function call)
(expected 0 arguments).

i am totally baffled.
why does there appear a path like 

is there a variable that's not replaced? the only appearance of
$ is in the master.pike, but that looks correct.
ldap otherwise works too.

is sTeam messing with the PIKE_MODULE_PATH?
there is a binary in sTeam that appends two values to the PIKE_MODULE_PATH
environment variable before executing pike resulting in the following 

({ /* 3 elements */

using this binary to run a short pike script that initializes
Protocols.LDAP.client() also does not lead to this error.

so the issue must be in the sTeam code itself.
but where?
i have no clue what to search for.

any hints?

greetings, martin.
cooperative communication with sTeam      -     caudium, pike, roxen and unix
offering: programming, training and administration   -  anywhere in the world
pike programmer      working in china         
foresight developer              
unix sysadmin        iaeste.(|or).at           
Martin Bähr