
Subject Author Date
Re: PikeFlows-0.1 James Harton <james[at]helicopter[dot]geek[dot]nz> 23-02-2009
> Hmm.... the test only checks to see if the module can be loaded. 
> Anyone know if pcap_dispatch is available only in certain versions? If 
> it is, I could make it conditionally available. It could, though, be a 
> problem with linking on your machine.
Could be. It's one of those annoying Ubuntu machines :)
My Debian lenny MIPS does the same thing.

>>   * change open_offline() to take a Stdio.File instead of a string
>>     path (meaning you could hand it a Pipe() or a network stream or
>>     whatever.
> It's important to understand that some of the behavior is defined by 
> the pcap library. This, for example, is only available if your library 
> has pcap_fopen_offline, and would be tricky to implement well because 
> there isn't necessarily a fd available in a Stdio.File object.

Fair enough. I thought I would suggest it nonetheless.

>>   * lookup_dev() throws an error on my machine.
> What sort of error? I've found that that function is a little flakey 
> in general.
<jnh[at]uggo>:~$ sudo pike -e 
Public.Network.Pcap()->lookup_dev(): arptype 65534 not supported by 
libpcap - falling back to cooked socket

-:2: -()->run(1,(),mapping[16])

>>   * using nbio uses lots of CPU
> Not sure I understand... there isn't an NBIO interface, is there? I 
> assume that your question is really a matter of having a loop that's 
> constantly running the capture call. I'm not sure that there's a way 
> to know when a capture call will return a packet (uniformly, anyway).
There is a set_capture_callback(), but I wound up just using next() 
instead because it didn't work the way I anticipated.  Of course, I most 
likely anticipated wrong :)

> In theory, the capture descriptor could be hooked to select/poll and 
> then run in the backend, but that would be a major undertaking.
>>   * it doesn't tell you what sort of interface (and thus what sort of
>>     frames) you are using. eg tunnels will give  you raw IP packets,
>>     ethernet will give you ethernet frames.
> That, I think is easily doable: pcap_datalink() seems to provide this 
> information.

That would be awesome.

> I will also add that I think some of this functionality is new in 
> libpcap since I originally wrote the module, so I don't automatically 
> add new features I'm not using. Therefore, feature requests are the 
> best way to see that your needs are met. :)

Sure.  I does meet my needs, I'm merely suggesting useful improvements :)

