
Subject Author Date
Re: PikeFlows-0.1 James Harton <james[at]helicopter[dot]geek[dot]nz> 23-02-2009
Bill Welliver wrote:
> While on the subject, I'd be interested in having a conversation about 
> likes and dislikes in the Pcap module. It was one of my first attempts 
> at a C-level module of any complexity, and it perhaps could use some 
> reworking (subject to the limits of the underlying library, of course).

Hi Bill.

It was great for you to roll out 1.3 to fix the segfault on set_filter() 
but I can't actually get 1.3 to install (it fails the testsuite):

    pike -Mplib/modules /usr/include/pike/7.6.112/test_pike.pike testsuite
    Doing tests in testsuite (1 tests)
    ./ Test 1 (shift 1) produced warning.
    0: Failed to load library:
    undefined symbol: pcap_dispatch
      1: mixed a() { return objectp(Public.Network.Pcap); }

    Failed tests: 1.                       
    Total tests: 2  (0 tests skipped)
    make: *** [verify] Error 1
    install error: make verify failed.

I'm glad the module is there, but it does seem a little rough around the 
edges.  Direct suggestions I have would be:

    * change open_offline() to take a Stdio.File instead of a string
      path (meaning you could hand it a Pipe() or a network stream or
    * lookup_dev() throws an error on my machine.
    * using nbio uses lots of CPU
    * it doesn't tell you what sort of interface (and thus what sort of
      frames) you are using. eg tunnels will give  you raw IP packets,
      ethernet will give you ethernet frames.

