
Subject Author Date
Re: Extend functionality of Standards.PKCS.CSR.build_csr() to support JCRM <pike[at]quick-hacks[dot]co[dot]uk> 14-02-2009
 V3 certificate extensions for Pike v7.6 release 112
JCRM wrote:
> The routine for generating PKCS Certificate Signing Requests only
> supported version 1 of the standard.
> This lets it generate version 3 certificates.

Urk, that wasn't the final version - I'd got the param sections right in
the final version.

Also, I've realised that this implementation encapsulates a possibly
faulty cognitive model of the version 3 certificate extension into the
call - On the one hand certificate extensions ARE just attributes, so in
retrospect I don't think they should have their own build_csr()
parameter - especially, as I have now separated out the routines for
building the extensionRequest attribute.

On the other hand, the v3 extensions are logically additional to the
original CSR, they're just implemented as attributes - and having them
as an additional parameter makes it easier for the function to know if
it should be using a version 1 or version 3 certificate request.

I think I may do a bit of a rewrite of this. Under different uses many
of the fields in a certificate request are optional including the
distinguishedName, so I think a new approach is is order:

Sequence build_certificate_request(Crypto RSA.key, mapping (string :
mixed) csr_parts, void | array (int) version_min_max)

Where the string part of the mapping corresponds to the certificate part
(version, name, attributes, &c). This approach would make it easier to
extend in future (not that is is likely to change now...)

Anyone have any thoughts as to how I should best proceed?