
Subject Author Date
Re: RFC: New Parser class for parsing structured datafiles (non-XML) Bertrand LUPART <bertrand[dot]lupart[at]linkeo[dot]com> 05-02-2009
> I think the obvious locations would be just Parser.CSV and
> Parser.MT940. Would that work?
> > this can already be done by Parser.LR and I'm just being silly for
> > not reusing that?
> But then you'd have to write a bit of code first, right? To just parse
> a csv blob in a single call is convenient.

As a side note, Public.Standards.CSV is available via monger.

This name was chosen over Public.Parser.CSV after some discussion on the
Pike list because it can generate CSV data.
Naming it "Parser" could mislead users to think it could only read CSV

Bertrand LUPART