
Subject Author Date
MutexKeys, garbage collectors, destructors and optimisers Stephen R. van den Berg <srb[at]cuci[dot]nl> 01-02-2009
I find the following piece of code in DBManager in Roxen:

Sql.Sql sql_cache_get(string db, string url, void|mapping sessiondbs,
                      void|string charset)
  Thread.MutexKey key = roxenloader.sq_cache_lock();
  Sql.Sql res = roxenloader.sq_cache_get(db, sessiondbs, charset);
  if (res) return res;
  // Release the lock during the call to get_sql_handler(),
  // since it may take quite a bit of time...
  if (res = get_sql_handler(url)) {
    // Now we need the lock again...
    key = roxenloader.sq_cache_lock();
    res = roxenloader.sq_cache_set(db, res, sessiondbs, charset);
    // Fool the optimizer so that key is not released prematurely
    if( res )
      return res;

Can someone explain why the if(res) return res; actually fools
the optimiser into not releasing "key" early?
           Stephen R. van den Berg.
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