
Subject Author Date
Re: monger repository: how to set the default version to install Bill Welliver <hww3[at]riverweb[dot]com> 26-01-2009

In order to make a particular version "automatically installable" by 
monger, you need to identify version dependencies for your module 
(technically, each version of the module can be recommended for a 
different version of pike). You can do this from the 
website by clicking on "Edit Dependencies for (version)". You'll need to 
add a dependency for pike that will match the versions of pike that 
version of your module is compatible with.


Dependency  Minimum  Maximum
Pike          7.6.0  7.7.999

Please let me know if you have any problems or questions!


> <felip[at]slashem>:~/Escritorio$ pike -x monger --install Public.Nix.Math
> an error occurred while getting the recommended version.
> repository error: no recommended version to install.
> use --force --version=ver to force install of a particular version.
> I've not seen the link in the repository to set up the recomended version to
> install. I know I can use pike -x monger --install Public.Nix.Math --force
> --version= version_number, and my modules install well this way,  but I'd
> like It to work for users who don't know which is the correct version number
> at the time. Somebody knows how to set up the recommended version in the
> repository?