
Subject Author Date
master and resolver Bill Welliver <hww3[at]riverweb[dot]com> 23-12-2008
Here's a question for the master() gurus out there:

I'd like to be able to define multiple class resolvers for a single 
process (similar to what is possible in Java). For example, I'd like to be 
able to specify that a given thread uses a particular 
program/include/module path, and be able to keep them from being aware of 
modules and programs that might be in use in other threads.

The primary motivation for this is to be able to run multiple copies of a 
given program in different threads simultaneously. The problem I have is 
that the program uses a module to store data, and I need to be able to 
have each program use its own copy of the module singleton.

What functions in the master are used in this scenario (and would thus 
need to be updated to behave in this way)?

Any advice to a would be master-hacker?

Thanks in advance,
