
Subject Author Date
Re: Update (Re: RFC: Automated CAPTCHA tag in vform) Stephen R. van den Berg <srb[at]cuci[dot]nl> 10-02-2009
Martin Stjernholm wrote:
>"Stephen R. van den Berg" <<srb[at]>> wrote:
>> BTW, when you eventually get to looking at the strain, please be sure to
>> resync with the BuGless branch, because since my last mail enumerating
>> the patches, I have updated some of them (essential updates).

>Roger. I guess that means I should look for a later BuGless.mast*

If available yes, but if not, simply (re)use the "BuGless" branch as is.
I keep that branch synced and rebased with bleeding edge Roxen, and
all the relevant patches are always on top (there are some burried deeper
which I keep locally here, but they are irrelevant).
           Stephen R. van den Berg.
Several ways to kill a programmer:  kill -15, fair trial; kill -1, death by
hanging; kill -2, suicide; kill -3, euthanasia; kill -9, execution.