
Subject Author Date
Appendix to: Re: Lots of patches that can be integrated into Roxen 5.0 in a heartbeat Martin Stjernholm <mast[at]roxen[dot]com> 18-01-2009
Index: server/modules/tags/rxmlparse.pike
RCS file: /cvs/Roxen/5.0/server/modules/tags/rxmlparse.pike,v
retrieving revision 1.81
diff -u -r1.81 rxmlparse.pike
--- server/modules/tags/rxmlparse.pike	5 Nov 2008 20:13:46 -0000	1.81
+++ server/modules/tags/rxmlparse.pike	18 Jan 2009 13:27:52 -0000
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@
 the RXML pages in RAM when this is enabled, which speeds up the
 evaluation of them.");
+  defvar("disk_cache_pages", 1, "Cache parsed RXML pages on disk",
+	 TYPE_FLAG, #"\
+The RXML parser will cache the RXML parse trees on disk.");
   defvar("logerrorsp", 0, "RXML Errors:Log RXML parse errors", TYPE_FLAG,
 	 "If enabled, all RXML parse errors will be logged in the debug log.");
@@ -85,6 +89,14 @@
   ram_cache_name = query ("ram_cache_pages") && "p-code:" + c->name;
+  if (query ("disk_cache_pages")) {
+    if (!disk_cache)
+      disk_cache = Cache.cache (
+	Cache.Storage.Gdbm ((getenv ("VARDIR") || "../var") + "/" +
+			    c->name + "_rxmlcode"),
+	Cache.Policy.Sized (50 * 1024 * 1024));
+  }
+  else disk_cache = 0;
   c->rxml_tag_set->handle_run_error = rxml_run_error;
   c->rxml_tag_set->handle_parse_error = rxml_parse_error;
@@ -99,19 +111,36 @@
 int require_exec, parse_exec;
 int bytes;  // Holds the number of bytes parsed
-int ram_cache_pages;
 string ram_cache_name;
 function(string,int|void,string|void:string) file2type;
-mapping handle_file_extension(Stdio.File file, string e, RequestID id)
-  Stdio.Stat stat = id->misc->stat || file->stat();
+Cache.cache disk_cache;
+mapping(string:int) is_storing = ([]);
-  if(require_exec && !(stat[0] & 07111)) return 0;
-  if(!parse_exec && (stat[0] & 07111)) return 0;
-  bytes += stat[1];
+void encode_and_store (string key, int mtime, RXML.PCode p_code)
+  string p_code_str;
+  if (mixed err = catch {
+    p_code_str = RXML.p_code_to_string (p_code, my_configuration());
+    werror ("p-code size for %O: %d\n", key, sizeof (p_code_str));
+  }) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    report_notice ("Failed to encode disk cache entry for %O:\n%s",
+		   key, describe_backtrace (err));
+    report_notice ("Failed to encode disk cache entry for %O: %s",
+		   key, describe_error (err));
+    // Store a placeholder to avoid trying to compile this again.
+    disk_cache->store (key, ({mtime, 0}));
+  }
+  else
+    disk_cache->store (key, ({mtime, p_code_str}));
+  m_delete (is_storing, key);
+string get_rxml_source (Stdio.File file, RequestID id)
   string data = file->read();
   switch( id->misc->input_charset )
@@ -130,53 +159,126 @@
+  werror ("source size for %O: %d\n", id->not_query, sizeof (data));
+  return data;
+mapping handle_file_extension(Stdio.File file, string e, RequestID id)
+  Stdio.Stat stat = id->misc->stat || file->stat();
+  if(require_exec && !(stat[0] & 07111)) return 0;
+  if(!parse_exec && (stat[0] & 07111)) return 0;
+  bytes += stat[1];
   RXML.Context context;
   string rxml;
-    rxml = data;
+    rxml = get_rxml_source (file, id);
+    RXML.PCode p_code;
-    if (ram_cache_name) {
-      array cache_ent;
-      if ((cache_ent = cache_lookup (ram_cache_name, id->not_query)) &&
-	  cache_ent[0] == stat[ST_MTIME]) {
-	TRACE_ENTER (sprintf ("Evaluating RXML page %O from RAM cache",
-			      id->not_query), this_object());
-	if (cache_ent[1]->is_stale()) {
-	  cache_remove (ram_cache_name, id->not_query);
-	  TRACE_LEAVE ("RAM cache entry was stale");
+    {
+      int try_compile = 0;
+      if (ram_cache_name) {
+	array cache_ent;
+	if ((cache_ent = cache_lookup (ram_cache_name, id->not_query)) &&
+	    cache_ent[0] == stat[ST_MTIME]) {
+	  SIMPLE_TRACE_ENTER (this, "Evaluating RXML page %O from RAM cache",
+			      id->not_query);
+	  if (cache_ent[1]->is_stale()) {
+	    cache_remove (ram_cache_name, id->not_query);
+	    SIMPLE_TRACE_LEAVE ("RAM cache entry was stale");
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    p_code = cache_ent[1];
+	    context = p_code->new_context (id);
+	    rxml = p_code->eval (context);
+	    id->cache_status["pcoderam"] = 1;
+	    break eval_rxml;
+	  }
-	else {
-	  context = cache_ent[1]->new_context (id);
-	  rxml = cache_ent[1]->eval (context);
-	  id->cache_status["pcoderam"] = 1;
-	  break eval_rxml;
+	try_compile = 1;
+      }
+      if (disk_cache) {
+	array cache_ent;
+	if ((cache_ent = disk_cache->lookup (id->not_query)) &&
+	    cache_ent[0] == stat[ST_MTIME]) {
+	  if (cache_ent[1]) {
+	    SIMPLE_TRACE_ENTER (this, "Decoding RXML page %O from disk cache",
+				id->not_query);
+	    if (mixed err = catch {
+	      p_code = RXML.string_to_p_code (cache_ent[1], my_configuration());
+	    }) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	      report_warning ("Failed to decode disk cache entry for %O:\n%s",
+			      id->not_query, describe_backtrace (err));
+#elif defined (MODULE_DEBUG)
+	      report_warning ("Failed to decode disk cache entry for %O:\n%s",
+			      id->not_query, describe_error (err));
+	      SIMPLE_TRACE_LEAVE ("");
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      if (ram_cache_name)
+		cache_set (ram_cache_name, id->not_query, ({stat[ST_MTIME], p_code}));
+	      SIMPLE_TRACE_LEAVE ("");
+	      SIMPLE_TRACE_ENTER (this, "Evaluating p-code for RXML page %O",
+				  id->not_query);
+	      context = p_code->new_context (id);
+	      rxml = p_code->eval (context); // p_code can't be stale here.
+	      id->cache_status["pcodedisk"] = 1;
+	      break eval_rxml;
+	    }
+	    try_compile = 1;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    // Don't set try_compile; we don't want to try to compile
+	    // this again since it failed to encode the last time.
+	    try_compile = 1;
+	  }
+	else try_compile = 1;
+      }
+      if (try_compile) {
+	SIMPLE_TRACE_ENTER (this, "Evaluating and compiling RXML page %O",
+			    id->not_query);
+	RXML.Parser parser = Roxen.get_rxml_parser (id, 0, 1);
+	context = parser->context;
+	parser->write_end (get_rxml_source (file, id));
+	rxml = parser->eval();
+	p_code = parser->p_code;
+	p_code->finish();
+	if (ram_cache_name)
+	  cache_set (ram_cache_name, id->not_query, ({stat[ST_MTIME], p_code}));
+      }
+      else {
+	SIMPLE_TRACE_ENTER (this, "Evaluating RXML page %O", id->not_query);
+	RXML.Parser parser = Roxen.get_rxml_parser (id);
+	context = parser->context;
+	parser->write_end (get_rxml_source (file, id));
+	rxml = parser->eval();
-      TRACE_ENTER (sprintf ("Evaluating and compiling RXML page %O",
-			    id->not_query), this_object());
-      RXML.Parser parser = Roxen.get_rxml_parser (id, 0, 1);
-      context = parser->context;
-      parser->write_end (data);
-      rxml = parser->eval();
-      RXML.PCode p_code = parser->p_code;
-      p_code->finish();
-      cache_set (ram_cache_name, id->not_query, ({stat[ST_MTIME], p_code}));
-    else {
-      TRACE_ENTER (sprintf ("Evaluating RXML page %O",
-			    id->not_query), this_object());
-      RXML.Parser parser = Roxen.get_rxml_parser (id);
-      context = parser->context;
-      parser->write_end (data);
-      rxml = parser->eval();
+    if (disk_cache && p_code && !is_storing[id->not_query] &&
p_code->is_updated()) {
+      is_storing[id->not_query] = 1;
+      // Encode and store the p-code in background to avoid
+      // unnecessary delay in delivering the response.
+      roxen.background_run (
+	0, encode_and_store, id->not_query, stat[ST_MTIME], p_code);
-  TRACE_LEAVE ("");
   return (["data":rxml,
 	   "type": file2type((id->realfile