
Subject Author Date
[Announce] Pike Development Tools for Eclipse H. William Welliver III <hww3[at]riverweb[dot]com> 28-03-2007
I added some new features to the PDT plugin for eclipse that I think  
warrants a new release. Please see my previous email(s) in the  
archives for more info about the project and it's current state.

Changes since version 1.0

- Bracket and paren matching/insertion
- Content outline contains constants, classes and functions, updated  
automatically with bookmarks in the code
- Syntax coloring
- Automatic TODO task creation in comments
- Editor preferences, including Syntax Coloring options
- Basic syntax checking with line marking for errors (no Pike  
interpreter required)
- Bracket jumping: when on a line with a bracket, jump to the  
opposing bracket. Command-Shift-P / Ctrl-Shift-P
- Automatic hyper-linking of errors in the Eclipse console.  
Limitation: relative paths must be from Workspace root, not from project

Known issues:

The pike syntax parser doesn't deal with preprocessor syntax at all.  
If you use the preprocessor in your files, most of the functionality  
of the editor will break. Suggestions for fixing this problem are  

To try the plugin out, simply drop the jar from the following website  
into your Eclipse 3.2/Java 1.5 plugins directory and restart Eclipse.  
You'll know you have the plugin installed properly if you get a  
"Pike" group in the new project wizard.

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome!
