
Subject Author Date
https interoperability problems Peter J. Holzer <hjp[at]wsr[dot]ac[dot]at> 12-09-2006
Increasingly often I find tools which cannot access https sites hosted
on Roxen. From memory:

Nokia Communicator
various Tools written in Java. 

Error messages are usually not very helpful. Before diving into the
depths of Roxen's SSL implementation (or considering switching to
Apache), I'd like to know if others have similar experiences.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | If I wanted to be "academically correct",
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | I'd be programming in Java.
| |   | <hjp[at]>      | I don't, and I'm not.
__/   | |   -- Jesse Erlbaum on dbi-users