
Subject Author Date
Re: See you around Matt Hardy <graphicintent[at]netscape[dot]net> 01-09-2006
Emils wrote:
> 2006/8/30, Martin Bähr <<mbaehr[at]>>:
>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 01:13:38PM +0300, Emils wrote:
>>> Lack of presence in significant mainstream distros is a major point though.
>> that is a point that nothing can be done about unless pike (and roxen)
>> popularity increase enough that volunteers willing to package pike and
>> roxen come up, or until someone gets paid to do so.
>> in general this argument is not interresting, because it is the same
>> argument that most windows advovates use against other operating
>> systems. if we give in to this argument then we have already lost.
> In general, it is not an argument. It is a reason. Ie. I am no trying
> to "win" anything here. I just know how I would prefer to avoid
> spending my time (ie. debugging installation/setup problems). I am not
> advocating anybody else to move to Apache - in fact I don't like the
> fact that I did myself, but it was the best of the options I had
> available for me, according to my priorities.
> Btw, just out of curiosity, any idea what happened to SuSE package of
> Roxen? I know there used to be Roxen rpms for SuSE back at SuSE 9.1 at
> least.
> E

Whats all the issue surrounding webservers?
We just run multiple IPs on a debian box and run all this software 

They all seem to talk to each other behind the scenes too. + cgi but 
dont ask me to run asp or vbscripts...

Roxen deployment has always been out of the box and works every time on 
every platform advertised... including debian (using redhat dist)

We dev on worlds most advanced OS... (according to apple) OS X :)
And intel has enabled localhost to be comparable to 2 year old rack 
server under load, installed from .sh which worked in 2 minutes. so 
seems like roxen does the trick and keeps businesses in business here.

Good luck but better to keep up the good work for our community perhaps?

Cheers, see you in Latvia.