
Subject Author Date
Re: See you around Martin Baehr <mbaehr[at]email[dot]archlab[dot]tuwien[dot]ac> 30-08-2006
On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 01:29:09PM +0200, Peter Ohlerich wrote:
> Yes, there are no docs how to do so, but we have a Roxen running in
> front of a Zope 

yes, that's easy, i did that during a linux user group meeting where i
had been presenting roxen and paul everitt was there to present zope.

> Maybe that's a way to get Apache/PHP running side-by-side with Roxen.

no, because the normal situation is that people already have apache set
up and running. so if i want to bring in roxen i must step in behind, i
can not tell them: ok, you can run this but only if you redo your apache
setup from scratch to work behind roxen.

this makes even less sense if you have other appservers already set up
behind apache (eg zope). now you would run a zope request first through
roxen, then through apache before it gets to zope. since that is nonsense
you would also have to turn your apache/zope setup into roxen/zope.
in other words a lot of work without any immideate gain.

and even if you do this, it only makes sense if you actually need roxen
because you have applications written for it. emils didn't have any
roxen specific applications anymore so he could not really take enough
advantage of roxens features to make it worth the hassle of getting
roxen to run in the first place.

so unless you are starting from a clean slate without any dependencies
on an existing setup, introducing roxen or caudium is quite a hard sell,
and this can only be made easier by establishing some practise with such
a setup to work out any issues and document it, so that when people ask
there is something they can look at.

greetings, martin.
cooperative communication with sTeam      -     caudium, pike, roxen and unix
offering: programming, training and administration   -  anywhere in the world
pike programmer   travelling and working in europe   
unix system-                        iaeste.(|or).at
administrator     (caudium|gotpike).org                
Martin Bähr