
Subject Author Date
Re: See you around Emils <gnudiff[at]gmail[dot]com> 30-08-2006
2006/8/30, Martin Bähr <<mbaehr[at]>>:
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 10:43:50AM +0300, Emils wrote:
> > I considered, how much time I spend fixing problems in what to me look
> > like trivial situations - getting Roxen to compile, getting PHP to
> > work with it, fixing wierd bugs and hangups
> can't blame you.
> php never worked well with roxen and caudium, and we dropped roxen and
> caudium for php based stuff years ago, simply because we had no
> resources to resolve all the issues.
> but that does not say anything bad about roxen or caudium.
> they are application servers, not webservers.
> they are not meant to run php.
> you would not run php behind tomcat or zope any other application server
> unless you actually wanted to integrate some php application with your
> main application on your appserver.

As long as FastCGI works, PHP is not a major point, but there was some
Roxen PHP module back when I started to need PHP and this has never
worked very satisfactorily ( I understand the problem may lie with the
way PHP is).

Lack of presence in significant mainstream distros is a major point though.

Still, speaking about PHP, I would have to run it behind tomcat or
zope if I needed some application that is COTS in PHP, but doesn't
exist in Python/Java. For Roxen/Pike, this case was forum software -
at the time when I started needing forums there was nil available for
Rox/Pike, but was the everpresent and quite handy phpBB for PHP. And
having to mungle a seperate web-server on separate port, just to do
forums, is kinda stupid, besides wouldn't work because of firewall
port issues for both server and the clients, so need some workaround
again, etc.