
Subject Author Date
odbc delay Broumels <Koen[dot]Broumels[at]Centric[dot]nl> 29-08-2006
Hi all,

I am struggling with roxen on a winXP machine using a network attached
Oracle DB thru ODBC.
(and I tried to get a linux machine working with oracle client and roxen
but I am a n00b, and can't get it running)

I use "odbc://user:<pass[at]hpdb>/itil" to connect. (db config in roxen)

But what odbc does it use?

- Is it pike build in?
- Is it roxen build in?

A simple page consisting of 27 lines containing 20 queries takes: Time:
12.281250 seconds
A simple page consisting of 4 lines containing 4 queries takes: Time:
5.000000 seconds
A simple page consisting of 7 lines containing 1 queries takes: Time:
0.156250 seconds

I upped the threading to 20 but that doesn't give a difference. All
queries are select's nothing fancy..

When I am loading that 20 query page the rest of the world needs to
wait. And I have to wait when someone else is loading a "large" page.

How can this be fixed?

Greet Koen