
Subject Author Date
Re: Creating a file/dir listing via emit dir in sitebuilder Peter Ohlerich <peter[dot]ohlerich[at]uni-bielefeld[dot]d> 20-04-2006
Peter Jönsson schrieb:
> The path attribute is only needed for changing from the current dir.
> Remove the . or the entire path attribute, and it should work.

Thanks for your answer.

I just tried:

  <emit source='dir' path='' glob='*' notitle='yes' >
     <li>Dirname: &_.dirname; Filename: &_.filename; Path: &_.path;
Titel: &_.title;</li>

and also

  <emit source='dir' glob='*' notitle='yes' >
     <li>Dirname: &_.dirname; Filename: &_.filename; Path: &_.path;
Titel: &_.title;</li>

The result was an empty output.

With regards,

Peter Ohlerich.

HRZ der Universitaet Bielefeld  Phone: +49 521 106-00
Dipl.-Inf. Peter Ohlerich      Email: <Peter.Ohlerich[at]>
P.O.Box 100131                   WWW:
D-33501 Bielefeld (Germany)