
Subject Author Date
Re: Roxen + path_info with PHP as CGI? <gnudiff <> 22-03-2006

Found that PATH_TRANSLATED env variable is probably being set
incorrectly (by CGI module?).

does call /path/file.php
rather than
which php expects.

wrote a small shell wrapper to the CGI calls. Slows down things, but
at least it works.

2006/3/18, <gnudiff[at]> <<gnudiff[at]>>:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if it was possible to set up rewrite rules or
> something else within Roxen so that PHP called via CGI would
> understand the PATH_INFO style URLs?
> I have PHP/CGI running OK via the redirect module:
> /(.*)\.php(.*)$         /cgi-bin/php/$1.php$2
> However, when I try to call a path_info style url:  GET /test.php/boo/3/foo/2 ,
> the request does get forwarded to CGI module, however PHP seems to not
> understand that and returns: No input file specified (same as if  I
> would specify non-existing php file).
> I have added also the PATH_INFO module to Roxen, but that doesn't seem
> to work that simple.
> I tried to look at resolve path and it seems that pathinfo module does
> get called, but since it is MODULE_LAST, maybe it's too late?