
Subject Author Date
Re: Default site... Michael A. Patton <MAP[at]MAP-NE[dot]com> 16-03-2006
   From: Jeff Justice <<listaccount[at]>>
   Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 15:47:34 -0600

   I created a site and named it "Default Site".

   It does not show up in my list of sites, and I can't re-create it  
   (illegal site name) and I can't drop it because it doesn't show up.

I have seen a similar problem when I went only part way through site
creation, usually due to some error that occurred (including browser
crashes, which is what happened to me).  As you noted in a later
message, that seems to be what you had as well.  But it also happens
if you just decide to quit because you realize you need more
information before finishing...

I think there's a subtle bug underlying all of this, but when I tried
to do enough research in the code to find it, I got lost and was
distracted by something and never did get around to submitting it.
Let's see what I can remember of what I found...

Basically, the site name gets reserved early (which is probably good,
it avoids collisions if there are two administrators creating sites at
the same time).  But, the actual registration doesn't happen until the
setup has completed (which is also probably good, you don't want the
site active until you have all the data).  This leads to the state
where you don't have a site, but can't use the name.  But it doesn't
seem to be possible to detect the necessary transient state in normal
site setup as opposed to a failed or abandoned setup.

Apparently, from your other message, there is a timeout that GCs site
names in that state for too long.  The idea that I was considering was
to try, when there is a "name already in use" error, to determine if
that name was in this state and offer three options: pick another
name, discard the partial site or complete the previously started site
config.  The first two options are probably easy, the third is what
you probably would have wanted (and I would have as well :-) and a bit
harder since you have to decide where it was in the process.


(Roxen user since it was called Spinner :-)