
Subject Author Date
manipulating images in Roxen Peter Philippo <Peter[dot]Philippo[at]versatel[dot]com> 07-02-2006
Hi There,


Has anyone some experience with manipulating images in Roxen?


I have one large image that I like to use in two positions.

Position a) the image needs to have rounded corners with a border and a
smaller size

Position b) the image needs to have normal corners and no border.


I thought you can use psd layers, but I can't seem to find any detail
information about it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Thx, Peter


        Vriendelijke groet, 
        Kind Regards, 

        Peter Philippo 
        Head Web Design 
        Tele2 - Versatel Portal 

        Tele2 - Versatel 
        PO Box: 22697 
        1100 DD Amsterdam Z-O 
        The Netherlands

          T. (+31) 20 750 7799

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