
Subject Author Date
Re: Problems with Roxen 4.0.425 Turbo Fredriksson <turbo[at]bayour[dot]com> 29-01-2006
>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Bonnycastle <<ibonny[at]>> writes:

    Ian>    The version is Debian Testing 3.1r0a (I think) for
    Ian> Sparc64.

But what version of Roxen?

dpkg -l roxen4

will give you the answer to that...

    Ian> I was curious about why
    Ian> it worked on one and not anouther.

Because they have different setup (postinst) scripts. I've changed
the roxen4 install/upgrade script but not roxen4-doc...

    Ian>  Also, if MySQL doesn't ship with the Debian version of Roxen, what
process is this?

    Ian>    www-data 5014 4877 0 06:47 ?  00:00:00 /usr/share/roxen4/bin/mysqld

Oh, ok. That's just a symlink to '/usr/sbin/mysqld'.

    Ian>    So... whats going on here?

It's the same binary as in the mysql-server. But it's in a different process
and different database directory.

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