
Subject Author Date
Re: Problems with Roxen 4.0.425 Turbo Fredriksson <turbo[at]bayour[dot]com> 29-01-2006
[I'm the Debian GNU/Linux Developer 'in charge' of the Roxen packages in Debian]

>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Bonnycastle <<ibonny[at]>> writes:

    Ian>    I'm having difficulty with Roxen 4.0.425 on
    Ian> Debian/Sparc64.

Which exact version is this?

    Ian> First, when I attempt to create a virtual
    Ian> site, it always binds to http://*:80/ instead of the
    Ian> http://<ip address>:80/ address I request it to. (I put in
    Ian> <address> in the Port section, so I know its definitely
    Ian> listed.)

Roxen ALWAYS tries to bind to any (the '*' you see) IP address. But
you say you change the IP.

In the Ports section in a Sites configuration there are two places
you must change:

1. Primary Server URL
2. URLs

The second place needs at least the same value as in the first, but
in addition to this, you need an IP address ('IP#: ')...

    Ian>        Creating documentation databasemysqladmin: connect to
    Ian> server at 'localhost' failed error: 'Access denied for user
    Ian> 'roxen4'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' ERROR: Could not
    Ian> create the documentation database!

Oki, that's my fault. I haven't checked the installation of the doc
package in a while and i've rewritten the database stuff a couple
of versions ago. I'll have a new look at this.

    Ian>    Now, I'm assuming that its using the mysql shipped with
    Ian> Roxen rather than a base installed mysql. I have one
    Ian> installed as part of the system for another application, but
    Ian> I don't know which mysql its hitting.

The Debian GNU/Linux Roxen4 package does _NOT_ ship with the Roxen
MySQL daemon AT ALL! Not allowed. That's why I've had to do modifications
to the code to get it to work. This is in no way sanctioned by the
Roxen crew, but i've had no choice (so try to limit the questions
you ask the Roxen lists about this)....

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[See for more about this]
If neither of these works, try and search for echelon.