
Subject Author Date
Re: Startup times Pike vs. Perl Stephen R. van den Berg <srb[at]cuci[dot]nl> 17-08-2009
Martin B?hr wrote:
>On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 11:21:47AM +0200, Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
>> Perl is what everybody else does, but I avoided using Perl for 20
>> years now, and wasn't about to change policy.

>lol, that made it into my quotes list. 
>is that the reason why you wrote procmail? ;-)

Procmail actually predated Perl, if I recall correctly, and it distinctively
lighter weight than perl ever was.

The startup times of perl were really bad back then compared to awk.
I distinctly remember running benchmarks around 1993 or so, and the startup
times of perl compared to awk were about as bad then as pike vs. perl is now.

Actually there are two reasons I never caught on to Perl:
- I always considered it to be bloated (but, by comparison, Pike is
  even worse these days (comparing memory footprint and startup time)).
- I never liked the syntax.  I like(d) programming in C, so anything that
  has C-like syntax (awk, Pike) feels natural to me.  Perl was/is "alien".
           Stephen R. van den Berg.

"God... root...  what's the difference?..."